Elevating Ontario Experiences: Taste of Place Workshop - 2 Complimentary Spots Available for PCBIA Businesses

The Elevating Ontario Experiences: Taste of Place Workshop is a 2.5-hour session, delivered by the Culinary Tourism Alliance, and aims to assist tourism operators in uncovering their business' potential growth areas through culinary tourism activities and improve their 'taste of place' story.

Elevating Ontario Experiences: Taste of Place Workshop - 2 Complimentary Spots Available for PCBIA Businesses

This interactive workshop is delivered virtually via Zoom, on March 6th from 9:00 am - 11:30 am.

Operators will receive customized strategies for culinary tourism development in their region and tangible next steps on how to develop culinary tourism offerings within their business, followed by a 30-minute one-on-one coaching session with the experts.

If you are interested, please express interest to sgonsalves@tiaontario.ca 


Join Our Team As A Marketing Coordinator

14 June 2024

We are looking for a Marketing Coordinator to join our team and help us grow our brand, support our business community, and solidify Port Credit as the tourist destination.